Blog#13 2:36 AM (CST) 8/9/2024

Sooo uhm.... I'm kinda fucking retarded and lost all of my posts on here... Because I'm very lazy when updating and may or may not of got rid of everything without saving it frist.

And that record player doesn't work which is very sad, I'm thinking about just buying a new one though I really like 70s stuff. I still plan to collect records still. But yeah. That's all for today

Moon Man Guy Dude out!

Blog#12 2:31 PM (CST) 8/7/2024

So yesterday I added this based JJBA fan, they seem pretty nice hope I'll get to know them better.

Also today should be the I get the record player and if I don't get it today then I'll prob not be able to get it which will suck and be a bummer but oh well if I really want one I'll buy one which will sucks but you win some you lose some. Also if it doesn't work no big issue I'll just fix it.... Or at least try to fix it.

Now onto a topic I don't think I've brought up on here yet on my blog, gaming.. So y'all know about that new game dark and darker right? Well it's fucking trash it's awful it sucks. there is another game called dungeonborne and it's 100% better in every single way like it's crazy. and it isn't even a month old which is crazy, that a game can be that new but also that much better. 

Speaking about gaming I need more people who play 1.8 java minecraft pvp like I've got two people and one of them isn't even on most of the time. So yeah that would be nice if I could find more people for that. I'll make a little update on here if I do end up getting the player so stay tuned for that. otherwise

MoonCrazy out!